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This Day In History1789—US Customs begins enforcing Tariff Act.

1794—Whiskey Rebellion begins in western Pennsylvania.

1812—Rare tornado hits Westchester County, NY.

1852—San Francisco Methodists establish 1st black church, Zion Methodist.

1869—1st voyage down Colorado River.

1901—Burials within San Francisco City limits prohibited.

1907—Signal Corps of US Army starts aircraft division.

1941—The first Jeep is produced.

1950—1st major league baseball player to fight in Korea (Curt Simmons)

1953—Fidel Castro arrested in Cuba.

1957—1st commercial building heated by sun (Albuquerque, NM)

1958—US 1st class postage up to 4 cents (had been 3 cents for 26 years)

1960—Chubby Checker releases “The Twist”

1969—110,000 attend Atlantic City Pop Festival.

1977—Former Lockheed U-2 pilot Francis Gary Powers crashes the news helicopter he was flying in Los Angeles.

1981—MTV premieres at 12:01 AM.

1990—“Cat on a Hot Tim Roof” closes at Eugene O’Neill Theater NYC after 149 performances.

1995—Westinghouse purchases CBS-TV network.

2000—First patient to receive the Jarvik 2000, the first total artificial heart that can maintain blood flow in addition to generating a pulse.

2007—The I-35W Mississippi River Bridge spanning the Mississippi River in Minneapolis, Minnesota, collapses during the evening rush hour.

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