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1788 – 1st US steamboat patent issued, by Georgia to Briggs & Longstreet.
1790 – US Supreme Court convenes for 1st time (NYC).
1840 – Baltimore College of Dental Surgery, 1st in US, incorporated.
1862 – Julia Howe publishes “Battle Hymn of Republic”
1887 – Harvey Wilcox of Ks subdivides 120 acres he owned in Southern California & starts selling it off as a real estate development (Hollywood)
1902 – US Secretary of State Hay protest granting Russia exclusive privilege in China, on ground that it runs contrary to the ‘open door’ policy granting all nations equal rights there.
1906 – 1st federal penitentiary building completed, Leavenworth, Kansas.
1920 – 1st commercial armored car introduced (St. Paul, Minn).
1926 – Land at Broadway & Wall Street (NYC) sold at a record $7 per square inch.
1935 – 1st “March of Time” newsreel premieres at the Capitol.
1949 – RCA releases 1st single record ever (45 rpm)
1953 – “You Are There” with Walter Cronkite premieres on CBS television.
1958 – 1st US satellite (Explorer 1) launched.
1960 – 4 students stage 1st civil rights sit-in, at Woolworth’s in Greensboro, NC.
1965 – Peter Jennings, 26, becomes anchor of ABC’s nightly news.
1974 – “Good Times” (spinoff from “Maude”) premieres on CBS-TV.
1982 – “Late Night With David Letterman” debuts on NBC-TV,  Bill Murray is first guest.
1993 – Soyuz TM-16 lands.
2004 – Super Bowl XXXVIII: New England Patriots beat Carolina Panthers, 32-29 at the Reliant Stadium, MVP: Tom Brady, New England, QB.
2016 – Alphabet, Google’s parent company surpasses Apple as the world’s most valuable company ($568bn vs $535bn), after releasing income results.

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