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1777 – New York adopts new constitution as an independent state.

1836 – Territory of Wisconsin created.

1871 – US 3rd Enforcement Act (President can suspend writ of habeas corpus)

1914 – US President Woodrow Wilson, having dispatched more travel ships to Mexico, asks a joint session of Congress to approve armed forces if necessary; Congress approves.

1920 – Tornadoes kill 219 in Alabama & Mississippi.

1926 – 1st check sent by radio facsimile transmission across Atlantic.

1935 – “Your Hit Parade” begins broadcasting (becomes #1 quickly)

1940 – 1st electron microscope demonstrated (RCA), Philadelphia, Pa.

1945 – US 7th army captured German city of Nuremberg.

1948 – NYC hikes subway fare from 5 cents to 10 cents.

1948 – Walter P. Reuther UAW President shot & wounded at his home in Detroit.

1957 – Yankee Bill Skowron becomes 3rd player to hit a ball out of Fenway.

1962 – NASA civilian pilot Neil Armstrong takes X-15 to 63,250 meters.

1967 – US Surveyor 3 lands on Moon.

1971 – US Supreme Court upholds use of busing to achieve racial desegregation.

1972 – Apollo 16’s Young & Duke land on Moon with Boeing Lunar Rover #2.

1979 – President Jimmy Carter is attacked by a swamp rabbit which swam up to his fishing boat in Plain, Georgia.

1987 – US deports Karl Linnas to USSR, charged with Nazi war crimes.

1997 – 27th Easter Seal Telethon raises $47,392,682.

1999 – Columbine High School massacre: Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold kill 13 people and injure 24 others before committing suicide at Columbine High School, Colorado.

2007 – Johnson Space Center Shooting: A man with a handgun barricades himself in NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas before killing a male hostage and himself.

2010 – The Deepwater Horizon drilling rig explodes, killing 11 and causing the rig to sink, causing a massive oil discharge into the Gulf of Mexico and an environmental disaster.

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