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1800 – Washington, D.C., established as the capitol of the United States of America.

1870 – Joseph Rainey (South Carolina) becomes 1st African American to serve in US House of Representatives.

1914 – The largest one-day percentage drop in the history of Dow Jones Industrial Average, down 24.39%.

1917 – Rev. Edward Flanagan forms Boys Town outside Omaha, Nebraska.

1930 – Baseball Rules Committee greatly revises the rule book, ball bouncing into stands not a HR, now a double.

1937 – NBC & RCA sends 1st mobile-TV vans onto the streets of NY.

1946 – UN accepts 6 Manhattan blocks as a gift from John D. Rockefeller, Jr.

1957 – US announces manufacture of Borazon (harder than diamond)

1959 – UN Committee on Peaceful Us of Outer Space is established.

1961 – Martin Luther King, Jr. & 700 demonstrators are arrested in Albany, Georgia.

1967 – US launches Pioneer 8 into solar orbit.

1968 – Arthur Ashe becomes 1st black to be ranked #1 in tennis.

1975 – Sara Jane Moore pleads guilty to trying to kill US President Gerald Ford.

1980 – US’s copyright law amended to include computer programs.

1980 – Apple makes its initial public offering on the US stock market – 38 years later it would become the first US company valued at over $1 trillion.

1985 – 248 US soldiers & crew members die in Arrow Air charter crash.

1995 – Amendment to make it illegal to physically desecrate the flag turned down by US Senate 83-36 (need 2/3 vote)

2000 – US Supreme Court releases its decision in Bush v. Gore settling the recount dispute in Florida’s 2000 presidential election in George W. Bush’s favor and thus handing him the presidency.

2013 – The United States announce sanctions on the two dozen companies who assisted Iran with their nuclear program.

2018 – Michael Cohen, former lawyer for US President Donald Trump sentenced to three years in prison for campaign-finance and tax fraud.

2018 – American Media Inc. publisher of “National Enquirer” admits paying hush money to mistresses of US President Donald Trump.

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