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This Day In History1842 – Charles Dickens arrives in Boston, Massachusetts with his wife, Catherine.

1850 – Alta California becomes a daily paper, 1st such in California.

1879 – James Shield (D) elected US senator from Missouri after previously serving as US senator from Illinois & Minnesota.

1889 – Columbia Phonograph was formed in Washington, D.C.

1903 – The Hay-Herran Treaty concerning the USA’s right to the Panama Canal is signed by the Columbian Charge d’affaires in Washington, D.C. (never ratified)

1908 – Katie Mulcahey is arrested for lighting a cigarette, violating the 1-day old “Sullivan Ordinance” banning women from smoking in public, and is fined $5. Appearing before the judge she stated “I’ve got as much right to smoke as you have. I never heard of this new law, and I don’t want to hear about it. No man shall dictate to me”

1938 – “Our Town”, Thornton Wilder’s Pulitzer-winner of small-town life in Grover’s Corners, New Hampshire, premieres (NJ)

1946 – US President Harry Truman sets up the Central Intelligence Agency.

1959 – USAF concludes that less than 1% of UFOs are unknown, arrested.

1965 – US launches TIROS 9 weather satellite.

1968 – Apollo Lunar Module is launched to Moon; unmanned lunar module tests made.

1970 – 1st commercial Boeing 747 flight, Pan American World Airways flies from New York City to London in 6 1/2 hours.

1973 – Roe vs Wade: US Supreme Court legalizes most abortions.

1982 – 75% of North America is covered with snow.

1985 – Cold wave damages 90% of Florida’s citrus crop.

1990 – Robert Tappan Morris, Jr. is convicted of releasing the 1988 Internet worm.

1998 – STS 89 (Endeavour 12) launches into orbit.

2002 – Kmart Corp becomes the largest retailer in United States history to file for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection.

2016 – Winter storm conditions strand 500 motorist for 24 hours on the New Jersey turnpike in Pennsylvania.

2017 – Jared Kushner is sworn in as Senior Advisor to the President, Donald Trump.

2018 – US government ends three-day shutdown after an agreement in Congress to extend funding.

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