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1775 – US Continental Congress creates United States Post Office (U.S.P.O.) in Philadelphia under Benjamin Franklin.

1878 – In California, poet and American West outlaw calling himself “Black Bart” makes his last clean getaway when he steals a safe box from a Wells Fargo stagecoach. The empty box found later with a taunting poem inside.

1903 – 1st automobile trip across the United States (San Francisco to New York) completed by Horatio Nelson Jackson and Sewall K. Crocker.

1908 – United States Attorney General Charles Joseph Bonaparte issues an order to immediately staff the Office of Chief Examiner (later renamed the Federal Bureau of Investigation)

1916 – The US protests the ‘Blacklist’ issued by the British forbidding trade with some 30 US firms.

1917 – J. Edgar Hoover gets job in US Department of Justice.

1926 – National Bar Association incorporates.

1941 – US embargo on oil-export to Japan.

1945 – Declaration of Potsdam: US, Britain and China demand the Japanese surrender during WWII.

1946 – Aloha Airlines began service from Honolulu International Airport.

1947 – President Truman signs National Security Act (1947), establishing Department of Defense, CIA, National Security Council and Joint Chiefs of Staff.

1948 – President Harry Truman issues Executive Order No. 9981 to desegregate the US armed forces, directing “equality of treatment and opportunity” in the military.

1955 – Ted Allen throws a record 72 consecutive horseshoe ringers.

1964 – Teamster President and US union leader Jimmy Hoffa convicted of fraud and conspiracy.

1971 – Apollo 15 launched (Scott and Irwin) to 4th manned landing on Moon.

1972 – Rockwell receives NASA contract to construct Space Station.

1990 – US President George H.W. Bush signs Americans With Disabilities Act.

2009 – British Open Senior Men’s Golf, Sunningdale: American Loren Roberts wins his second Open Seniors title in a playoff with Mark McNulty and Fred Funk.

2014 – The Chinese government suspends the operations of a Shanghai meat dealer and makes arrests after the company sold out-of-date meat to fast food chains, including McDonalds and Kentucky Fried Chicken.

2017 – US President Donald Trump announces policy to ban transgender people from the military, overturning Obama era changes.

2018 – Facebook has the single worst day of any public company on the stock market – losing 19% or $119 billion market rise.

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