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1794 – US Congress passes the Neutrality Act, banning Americans from serving in foreign armed forces.

1805 – 1st recorded tornado in “Tornado Alley” (Southern Illinois)

1876 – Bananas become popular in US, at the Centennial Exposition in Philadelphia.

1884 – William Sherman refuses Republican presidential nomination saying “I will not accept if nominated & will not serve if elected”

1917 – 10 million US men begin registering for draft in WW I.

1927 – Johnny Weissmuller sets 100-yard & 200-yard free-style swim record.

1933 – US drops the Gold Standard when Congress enacts a joint resolution nullifying creditors right to demand payment in gold.

1937 – Henry Ford initiates a 32 hour work week.

1944 – After receiving favorable weather reports, General Eisenhower decides to proceed with the D-Day invasion on June 6.

1947 – US Secretary of State George Marshall outlines the “Marshall Plan” to rebuild Western Europe.

1951 – Anti-slavery novel “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” by Harriet Beecher Stowe first published in serial form in “The National Era”

1967 – Murderer Richard Speak sentenced to death in electric chair.

1975 – The California Agricultural Labor Relations Act (CALRA), which establishes collective bargaining for farmworkers, becomes law.

1982 – Waterfront streetcar begins operating in Seattle.

1991 – Space Shuttle STS 40 (Columbia12) launched.

1998 – A strike begins at the General Motors parts factory in Flint, Michigan, that quickly spreads to five other assembly plants (the strike lasted seven weeks)

2001 – U.S. Senator Jim Jeffords leaves the Republican Party, an act which shifts control of the United States Senate from the Republicans to the Democratic Party.

2001 – Tropical Storm Allison makes landfall on the upper-Texas coastline as a strong tropical storm and dumps large amounts of rain over Houston. The storm caused $5.5 billion in damages, making Allison the costliest tropical storm in U.S. history.

2013 – The first article based on NSA leaked documents by Edward Snowden are published by the Guardian Newspaper in the UK.

2018 – US President Trump administration’s policy of separating immigrant children from their families violates international law according to the UN.

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