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This Day In History1665—England installs a municipal government in New York City.
1776—Virginia adopts Declaration of Rights.
1787—US Law passes providing a senator must be at least 30 years old.
1838—Iowa Territory forms.
1861—Missouri Governor Claiborne Jackson calls for 50,000 volunteers to stop Federates from taking over his state.
1881—The USS Jennette, under the command of George Washington De Long, is crushed by Arctic ice after 21 months of ice-bound drifting.
1903—Niagara Falls, Ontario incorporates as a city.
1913—“Dachshund” by Pathe Freres, early animated cartoon, released.
1923—Harry Houdini frees himself from a straight jacket while suspended upside down, 40 feet above ground in NYC.
1931—Al Capone is indicted on 5,000 counts of prohibition & perjury.
1939—Baseball Hall of Fame opens in Cooperstown, NY.
1945—US 7th Marine regiment conquers summit of Kunishi Ridge, Okinawa.
1954—Bill Halley’s “Rock Around the Clock” is originally released.
1965—Sonny & Cher make their 1st TV appearance in “American Bandstand”
1977—Ground-breaking ceremonies for President Kennedy library.
1987—US President Ronald Reagan challenges Mikhail Gorbachev to “tear down” the Berlin wall.
1996—3 Philadelphia Federal Court Judges overturn US indecency ban on internet.
2012—The World Health Organization concludes that diesel exhaust causes cancer.
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