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This Day In History1630 – Fork introduced to American dining by Gov. Winthrop.

1798 – US passes Alien Act allowing president to deport dangerous aliens.

1836 – 1st building constructed at Yerba Buena (now San Francisco).

1868 – Florida, Alabama, Georgia, North Carolina & South Carolina readmitted to US.

1910 – Mann Act passes (no women across state lines for immoral purposes).

1929 – US President Herbert Hoover authorizes building of Boulder Dam (Hoover Dam).

1938 – “A Tisket A Tasket” by Ella Fitzgerald with Chick Webb hits #1.

1938 – Federal minimum wage law guarantees workers 25 cents per hour (rising to 40 cents by 1945) and a maximum 44 hour working week.

1948 – Harry Truman signs Displaced Persons Bill (205,000 Europeans to US).

1951 – 1st color TV broadcast-CBS’ Arthur Godfrey from NYC to 4 cities.

1962 – Supreme Court rules NY school prayer unconstitutional.

1967 – 400 million watch Beatles “Our World” TV special.

1971 – Stevie Wonder releases “Where I’m Coming From.”

1973 – John Dean begins testimony before Senate Watergate Committee.

1981 – Microsoft is restructured to become an incorporated business in its home state of Washington.

1983 – “Evita” closes at Broadway Theater NYC after 1568 performances.

1990 – Supreme Court rules family members cannot end lives of comatose relatives unless those relatives previously made their wishes known.

2000 – 46th LPGA Championship won by Juli Inkster.

2014 – The US Supreme court rules that police cannot examine the digital contents of a cell phone without court order.

2015 – Obamacare subsidies in The Affordable Care Act preserved by US Supreme Court Rulng in King v Burwell 6-3.

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