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This Day in History – June 8

This Day In History1786 – Commercially made ice cream 1st advertised (Mr. Hall, NYC)

1789 – James Madison introduces a proposed Bill of Rights in the U.S. House of Representatives.

1824 – Washing machine patented by Noah Cushing of Quebec.

1872 – Congress endorses penny post card.

1905 – US President Theodore Roosevelt sends identical notes to Japan and Russia urging them to negotiate and end hostilities, offering his personal services.

1920 – Reds’ Edd Roush falls asleep in center field during long infield argument, Heinie Groh goes to wake him, but umpire ejects Roush for delay of game.

1928 – 1st US-to-Australia flight lands (Sir Charles Kingford).

1936 – 1st parking meters are invented.

1942 – Bing Crosby records “Silent Night”

1944 – 1st SS-Panzer Korps counter attacks at Normandy.

1944 – Allies occupy Port-en-Bessin Normandy.

1953 – Segregated lunch counters in DC forbidden by Supreme Court.

1956 – Richard B. Fitzgibbon, Jr. killed by another USAF airman in Vietnam, becoming the first American killed in the Vietnam War.

1958 – 4th LPGA Championship won by Mickey Wright.

1961 – Milwaukee sets record of 4 consecutive HRs (Eddie Mathew, Hank Aaron, Joe Adcock & Frank Thomas.

1968 – James Earl Ray, alleged assassin of Martin Luther King, Jr., captured.

1969 – President Nixon says 25,000 US troops would leave Vietnam by end of August.

1979 – “The Source,” 1st computer public information service, goes on-line.

1988 – Nippon Airways announces that painting eyeballs on Jets cut bird collisions by 20%.

1991 – Victory parade held in Washington, DC. (Persian Gulf War)

1997 – Justin Leonard wins golf’s Kemper Open at TPC at Avenel.

2014 – Couple ambush a restaurant in Las Vegas killing 2 police officers, a civilian and themselves.

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