Thoughts While Shaving
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Looking forward to a new week.  Before looking ahead, a quick peek at last week.

Folks had another successful fund-raiser for one of their own.  Noah Deaver is dealing with health issues….friends raised nearly $28,000 for him Saturday.  Say what you will, the Bladenboro volunteers spring into action when needed.  4-7 p.m. $28,000.  The whole community comes together.  Done it for years, and no doubt will do it again, when needed.  Help begins at home.

An invitation to all.  A Peace Officers Memorial Ceremony will be held Wednesday at the Bladen County Sheriff’s office in the jail…299  Smith Circle, Elizabethtown.  Fallen heroes will be remembered, those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our county, state and nation.  Begins at 10 a.m.

We have been a little slack when it comes to updating BladenOnline stats.  Sometimes, kinda falls in a hole when we get busy, but we will begin updates more often, beginning with March 10-16.  We had the 5th most visits in a week in BladenOnline history.  Visits have remained constant, and views over 100,000, weekly.

March 10-16

Page views:   101,795

Visits:  38,810

Year Ago

Page views:  114,100

Visits:   21,269


6,282: Two hospitalized after Butler Mill Road crash

5,168: 12 people arrested on narcotics charges

3,120: Tar Heel man charged with indecent liberties with minor

2,260: Four-wheeler crash sends two to hospital

1,180: Parked vehicle on Gooden Street leads to arrest

We are proud of our efforts and the fact that you continue to support what we do.  Bladen County folks providing Bladen County news to Bladen County’s finest, the residents of this area and all across our great state and nation.  A reminder of our commitment:  The Best Is Yet To Come.  Want to add your business to our site, begin by calling 910-876-5393.   And as Gomer Pyle (Andy Griffith Show) would say: Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Life not only begins at forty, it also begins to show.

Age doesn’t always bring wisdom.  Sometimes age comes alone.

An optimist thinks that this is the best possible world.  A pessimist fears that this is true. (If you don’t know, a pessimist is an experienced optimist)

robert g hester



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