Thoughts While Shaving
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Mail order delivery truck drivers are b-u-s-y. We, my bride and I, are not mail-order folks … I want to see it, feel it, if wearing apparel, try it own … From the old school … and to late to start over…

To be honest, no more than we do, cash works well for family … No one has turned it down … It fits…

When we, you and I, begin to feel sorry for ourselves … time to look around at our long-time friends who are going thru tough times … many related to health issues … and the list continues to grow … I am among men, most richly blessed…

Love to hear from or have long time friends check-in from time to time.

Local food stores seem to stay busy … guess it’s the time of year…

Filing for political office put on hold … Primary election moved from March back to May…

Bad news … Stock market dropping big time … Good news … gasoline prices lower…

Still looking for Santa…

“No one is perfect – that’s why pencils have erasers.” Wolfgang Riebe

“Surround yourself with people who will lift you higher.” Oprah Winfrey

“All your dreams can come true if you have the courage to pursue them.” Walt Disney

robert g hester

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