Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While ShavingThe organizers of Relay For Life have decided it would be best to postponed their annual event after checking the weather forecast for Friday and Saturday…..Sorry they had to do it..but think it is a good decision…The proposed new date is the last weekend this month..More time for those purple potty’s in the area…That has been a good, fun/way to raise $.  We wish them well….

Lower Cape Fear Hospice will Celebrate Veterans at a luncheon at Dublin First Baptist Church from 11:30 a.m. til 2:30 p.m.  RSVP was last week….Veterans matter, you matter and the celebration is for Veterans…
Lower Cape Fear Hospice is sponsoring a free movie at Camp Clearwater at White Lake.  Honor Flight will be shown…free….Saturday, May 23 beginning at 8:30 p.m.
Been thinking about the concerns expressed about the closing of Carolina Sands Golf Course ’bout this time last year…My, what a difference a year makes…Bill Augustine stepped up, purchased, spend lots of time and money, re-named it Vineyard Golf at White Lake and brought back one of the all time favorite managers…Bobby Davis is back…Regulars tell me it is in the best playing shape ever….If you haven’t played it since the new owners have taken over….you owe it to yourself to do so. 
Know of a music director, piano/organist?  I know of a church looking for one…..Call 645-4011….
Don’t know about your week…but mine has been busy…Not very productive, but b-u-s-y….
Deflategate….our vocabulary continues to expand….New England Patriots supposedly under-inflated footballs in the latest Super Bowl…What is next?
Thanks for your continued support for BladenOnline….It has been a dream come true for the organizers, workers and supporters…and The Best Is Yet To Come…It all began with one thing in mind…To offer a daily source of LOCAL news to Bladen County residents, for Bladen County residents, by Bladen County residents…We attend the meetings and talk to the local news makers….and we have done just that for over 7 years..We offer FREE delivery…7 days a week…..And it is fun to do….A labor of love….How many folks you know love their work…
Bladen County Library are hosting a children’s “Mothers Day” program at 6:30 p.m...Call 862-6990 for more info.
Bladenboro Rotary Club’s 17th Annual Golf Tournament is set for tomorrow (Friday) at Land O Lakes golf course.
Bladen County Law Enforcement Officers are sponsoring their 1st Annual golf tournament Saturday at Vineyard Golf at White Lake. 
The East Bladen reverse raffle-steak dinner fund-raiser will be held Saturday at the school…Contact Kathy Coates or Patty Evers for more info…
WOW…what a list of events..and there are more….Check our Events page…
Can atheists get insurance for acts of God?
Sorry, but my wondering mind could not help but wonder if Noah included termites on the ark?
If nothing sticks to Teflon how do they stick Teflon to the pan?
robert g hester

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