For many, they never knew a time when there was no air conditioning, however, for many senior citizens and actually some of the younger folk….they remember…an unpleasant memory…
Rain is needed….Last night there was golf ball size hail in Person County…(Roxboro area) along the Virginia line…and serious lightning in Orange and Durham counties….We will receive rain…sometime…
Thoughts on the Supreme Court ruling related to the Affordable Care Act?
Hope you remembered the White Lake feature on UNC-TV last night. Robert Kinlaw, a UNC student from White Lake was the producer…Very well done…..Michael Futch had a nice article on Kinlaw in a recent edition of the Fayetteville Observer.
Three Duke players were selected in the NBA draft…
Wish there was a “button” we could press to solve a problem….Seems everything is so complicated…and if you listen, just about everyone has a solution….but few agree…
1/2 of the year 2015 is in the rear-view mirror, or will be as of the close of day on Tuesday…Check your New Year Resolutions…..
We are just a week away from the 4th of July….
I miss some of our real “characters” in Bladen County….Folks like Bill Ferguson…Jay Cross….William Wright….Guess every area of the county had “characters” that added a little ‘spice’ to life…I miss the old country store with the pot-belly, wood burning heater where yarns were “spun.” …Remember some of the penny candy…Kits and Mary Janes…..No drugs back then…maybe a little homemade moonshine…helped to keep the conversation lively…..Holsum bread was 19 cents a loaf….Chesterfield, Lucky Strikes and Camel cigarettes were 19 cents for a pack of the unhealthy ‘smokes” and enjoy a soft drink for a nickel….no charge for the information/education…
I am more afraid of our mistakes than our enemies’ designs. Pericles
“There are many causes that I am prepared to die for but no causes that I am prepared to kill for.” Mahatma Gandhi
Never impose on others what you would not choose for yourself. Confucius
robert g hester
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