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Thoughts While ShavingLove him or hate him…..hate to see Steve Spurrier leave USC….especially with his team suffering through a tough season.

Love his wit…good and not so good…

On his age…”The Pope is 77 years old and he’s in charge of a billion people. All I have to do is put 11 on the field.”

On Florida State, “You know what FSU stands for, don’t you? Free Shoes University.”

On Auburn, On a fire at the football dorm that destroyed 20 books…”But the real tragedy was that 15 hadn’t been colored yet.”

Cubs win, Cubs win, Cubs win….Cubs advance to the National League Championship series after defeating the St. Louis Cardinals last night. They will play the winner of the Dodgers-Mets series, currently tied at 2-2.

In the American League…The Rangers and Blue Jays series is tied at 2-2, as is the Astros and Royals series…To be determined today and tonight….

Hoping for a better day…..stuck lawn mower & my pickup truck and had a neighbor (Roy Howell) come over and stuck his pick up….All is well, another neighbor, (Jason Sutton) bailed us all out….My thanks to both…Kept my cool…old age does have an advantage…No ripping and roaring…..Don’t want to suffer a heart attack….

High School football scheduled for Friday night….Pender County at West Bladen (Homecoming) and East Bladen travels to Heidi Trask….Bladen Sports Network will be at West Bladen…Bladen is fortunate to have two good football teams and two good young coaches…..Robby Priest at East and Russell Dove at West…Home grown…..the best kind….One more thought….no one covers local sports better than BladenOnline’s John Clark….I love to read his articles…

Unfortunate Political One-Liners:

“I did not have sexual relations with that woman” Bill Clinton

“I am not a crook” Richard Nixon

“I’ve looked on a lot of women with lust. I’ve committed adultery in my heart many times. Jimmy Carter

“Read my lips: no new taxes” George H.W. Bush

robert g hester

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