Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While Shaving

It is Super Bowl Sunday.  Carolina Panthers vs Denver Broncos.  Kickoff, 6:30 p.m., Bladen County time or close.

Stubhub still had 743 tickets available 12 hours before the game, priced from $2,875 in the upper corner to $5,200 for a better seat.  Others may have been priced higher. I stopped the search.

I have a seat, nice warm seat, complete with ‘fridge and snacks.’  For cable and dish companies, probably the worse day of the year for ‘down time.’

Snow is still mentioned in today’s forecast, until noontime.  We should go from heavy rain, maybe a snow flake from time to time, to mostly clear during the Super Bowl with high temps in the low 40s.  Great weather for a good football game.

Remember special moments in past bowl games?  One that stands out with me was Joe Namath guaranteeing a win and if my memory is correct, his team was the underdog, and the winner.

Go Panthers.

Lots of local governmental meetings tomorrow night.  If my memory is not playing games again…Bladenboro Town Board, White Lake Town Board, Bladen County Board of Ed and Bladen County Commissioners hold a special meeting at the Ag Center.  Call ahead and make sure all meetings are a go.  All are open to the public.

Football one-liners;

He’s so huge, instead of a number he should have a license plate.

You know your coach’s job is in jeopardy when the marching band forms a noose during their half-time performance.

Husband to wife:  “Honey do you have anything to you want to say before the Super Bowl game begins?”

robert g hester



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