Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While ShavingSanta is on the way, so is the tax person.  Property taxes were due September 1st, but penalties are not added until shortly after the first of the year, in fact, if you fail to pay before January 5, 2017, you pay extra.  Just remember, they were due about 2 1/2 months ago.  Soooo, don’t complain about standing in a long line if you are a procrastinator.

Wonder how difficult the change in life style if I were to win the lottery?  Maybe it would be worth it, but the chances of winning are slim and none, so, I am planning no changes.

For the older folks, remember the Burma Shave signs along the roadways, years ago.  For the younger set, Burma Shave advertising was 5 or 6 signs along the roadways, a few yards apart, easy reading with a good message and of course a suggestion to use Burma Shave, example:

Hardly a driver/Is now alive/Who passed/On hills/at 75/Burma-Shave.

Every shaver/Now can snore/Six more minutes/Than before/By using/Burma Shave.

Near Schoolhouses:

Take it slow/Let the little/Shavers grow/Burma Shave.

In WW II this was an example:

Let’s make Hitler/And Hirohito/Feel as bad/as Old Benito/Buy War Bonds/Burma Shave.

One more:

If you/Don’t know/Whose signs/There are/You can’t have/Driven very far.

If you think it has been cold over the past few hours, just wait, winter arrives December 21st.

If the thermometer had been an inch longer we’d all have all frozen to death.  Mark Twain

It was so cold…..politicians stopped blowing hot air.

It was an ideal day for football — too cold for the spectators and too cold for the players.  Red Smith

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