Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While Shaving
Ever hear an older person talk about someone being “tuckered out”, meant someone tired and needing rest.  Guess it is a flashback from my upbringing.
Some of our oldest, best news sources are undergoing an overhaul.  If you are a Fayetteville Observer reader, you are aware of changes.  Family owned papers selling to conglomerates, small businesses are struggling.  We have less local news and regional chains are cutting staff and sending one writer to cover the NCAA basketball games and sharing with all their papers.
The latest to announce cuts is the Greensboro News and Record, cutting over 30 positions. Revenues are stretched, more shopping on-line.  Competition for the advertising dollar continues to grow.  It is a tough business environment.
One more issue, human trafficking.  We assume it only happens in larger cities, and no doubt more there than in rural areas.  But, I can’t think we are immune from the issue.  Don’t know of any such activity, but such a shame for those ‘caught in the web’.
Masters golf tournament will have a new champ by dark today.  William McGirt, Fairmont native, is still in top 15, but an unlikely candidate for the traditional green jacket.
Believe you can and you are halfway there.  Theodore Roosevelt
The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched – they must be felt with the heart.  Helen Keller
If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door.  Milton Berle
robert g hester

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