One of the really ‘kewl’ events that is held annually is Kids Appreciation Day in Elizabethtown, sponsored by the Police Department. The date is Saturday, May 6, on the lot behind Town Hall. Food, games, horseback riding, a home run derby, basketball free throw shots and bicycles will be given away. Meet police, play games, enjoy tasty food, an all around fun event. Have attended over the years and it is interesting to see youngsters checking out police vehicles and fire trucks.
If you are not checking all the different pages of BladenOnline, you could be missing important announcements or news events. Today’s sports page includes results from high school baseball tournaments involving East and West Bladen. John Clark has it covered. Obits, Upcoming Events, Regional news, Classifieds and more. Oh yes, Guestbook. You can be educated or do some educating by participating. One of our most popular pages.
Regional hard copy newspapers have changed, not sure for the better. Very little local news, 2 or 3 lengthy articles and a couple of national news articles. More AP stories and on the sports page, writers are not the usual names we are accustomed to. Locally home-owned papers are becoming scarce. We will continue to cover the local scene. And, lest we forget, thanks for your continued support.
BladenOnline’s first edition was February 1, 2008, over 9 years ago. Our commitment to you, The Best Is Yet To Come.
Today is the last day for you to file your 2016 income taxes, without penalty.
Con artists are still in business. Had a friend request from a neighbor, yesterday. First question was, have you heard the news? My response was, not sure. Response was, I won $200,000 and it went on to tell more. Called the acquaintance. I explained the purpose of my call was to verify…response was, ‘not true……..I wish’.
To succeed in life, you need three things: a wishbone, a backbone and a funny bone. Reba McIntire.
There are only three things women need in life: food, water and compliments. Chris Rock
Everything is funny, as long as it’s happening to somebody else. Will Rogers