Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While ShavingPublic school doors swing wide-open Monday morning as another school year begins.  The big yellow school buses will be on the road early, as will youngsters.  Be aware.

Year-round school began a couple of weeks ago, maybe longer.

I think of my days in school, at Bladenboro Primary at the old, old school, demolished years ago.  Our teachers helped us place paper on an oil-covered floor and we were to take a nap after lunch.  That was something I had very little interest in.  Not sure of the length of the nap, but it was not my favorite time of the day. Guess I was afraid I would miss something.

A reminder of changes in the traffic patterns at the intersection of US 701 and NC 242.  Apparently, changes will continue as workers open and close portions of the intersection so they can continue construction.

Do not do a great deal of travel statewide anymore, but when I do make a trip, I am amazed at the amount of road construction, all around, especially in our more urban areas. Contractors should be happy.

Realize we still have some hot weather remaining, but enjoy this time of year when highs are in the mid to upper 80s with lots of sunshine.

Nothing brings us together like a death in our family/community.

Experience is a hard teacher because she gives the test first, the lesson afterward.  Vernon Law

Patience is a virtue, and I’m learning patience.  It’s tough lesson.  Elon Musk

I’m very happy with my life.  I am what I am. I don’t worry about anything I can’t control.  That’s really a good lesson on life.  Tom Watson

Author: bladenonline

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