Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While Shaving

ACC football results:
Wake Forest 42, Louisville32
Clemson 24, Georgia Tech 10
Miami 24, UNC 19
Notre Dame 35, NC State 14
Virginia Tech 24, Duke 3
Pittsburgh 31, Virginia 14

ECU had an open date.

World Series:
LA Dodgers 6, Houston Astros 2
Series tied 2-2
Series resumes tonight in Houston, gametime 8:20 PM on FOX.

Another huge success for organizers and supporters of Beast Fest in Bladenboro.  Huge crowds, Friday and Saturday.  Local, unpaid, organized supporters make it happen, year after year after year.  Today, preparation begins for the 2018 edition.

Was in a conference last week and one of the topics was Economic Development and the importance of broadband and how it allows local merchants, farmers, and others, in fact all businesses, large and small to have access to the world market.

Among the other issues was the importance of jobs and tourism.

I began to think how blessed we are in Bladen.  A large, sparsely populated county with limited means, for years a large workforce, good farmers and businesses folk now with access to the Internet.  But, then I thought of how lack of education, failure to pass a drug test and some content to live off of a welfare system, has adversely affected the area.

Today, there are jobs available and more on the way.  A good workforce is drastically needed, and for those unwilling to participate, shame on you.

And while I was away, 2 prominent Democrats changed their registration to Republican.  Had heard for weeks Rep. William Brisson and Commission Chairman Charles Ray Peterson were contemplating the move.  Will watch with great interest over the next few weeks and months as filling season for their offices begin in about 3 months.

Speaking of elections, municipal elections are nearing.  Early voting has attracted nearly 300, checking the list, most appear to be from the E-town area.

It’s not opinion polls that determine the outcome of elections, it’s votes in ballot boxes.  Nicola Sturgeon

Too often, the elections are run by same type industries that sell toothpaste on television.

Elections have consequences.  Scott Walker

Author: bladenonline

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