Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While ShavingEast Bladen (10-1) is in the state-wide 2A football play-offs and West (4-7) is not.  Knights  probably needed one more victory, or two in order to be in the 1-A ranks.

The Eagles will host James Kenan (3-7) Friday night.

In all, it appears 7 of 10 teams in the Three Rivers conference will advance.

East Bladen is seeded #2, and appears to be in the same bracket as #3 Southwest Onslow, an old ‘nemesis’.

John Clark has it all ‘laid out’ in our Sports section.

Municipal elections are set for Tuesday, November 7.  A total of 439 voters have already cast their ballots, county-wide.

Two long time retailers are doing another round of closings.  45 more Kmarts and 18 Sears stores will be closed nationwide.  Only 1 in NC, in Jacksonville.  It’s been a tough time for both over the past few years.

Nothing frustrates me more than a phone call from a telemarketer, especially on weekend.  Yesterday, had one that appeared to be from a 645 (Lisbon) number advising me I had been pre-selected for insurance and shortly after, another taking a poll.  When I ask what kind of poll, was advised I must take the poll to find out.  Click!

Time changed at 2 AM this morning.  Fall back, or be at church an hour early, a good place to be, but may be their for a while, all alone.

Stumbled across an interesting AP news story yesterday, related to Russian hacking of last election.  Google’ “The inside story of how the Russians hacked the Democrats’ email.”  Do not vouch for anything but an interesting article.

People never lie so much as after a hunt, during a war or before an election.  Otto van Bismarck

One of the reasons people hate politics is that truth is rarely a politician’s objective.  Election and power are.  Cal Thomas

Somebody asked me about a recent choice we were given in the presidential election.  I said, well, it’s like two of the scariest movies I can imagine.  Dean Koontz

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