Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While ShavingGovernment offices will be closed today as well as some others as a nation celebrates Martin Luther King Jr. Day.  Locally, a parade is set for this morning through downtown Elizabethtown to mark the occasion.

Did you see the end of the Vikings/Saints NFL football game?  No time on the clock when Minnesota scored.  The Vikings advance in the playoffs, the Saints pack up the equipment and head home.

Political rhetoric will pick up this week as we hear about a federal budget, DACA, funding for a wall along the Mexican border and Democrats, Republicans and a President squabble, all blaming one another for the mess.  My opinion:  All are guilty, some more than others.

Too much time to ramble, probe, research recently.

Bladen County has voted for a Republican presidential candidate four times in General Elections over the past 100 years, and for an Independent once.

Some you may remember, some before our time:
1928:  Herbert Hoover (R) 55.2% / Al Smith (D) 44.8%
1968:  George Wallace (I) 46.4% / Hubert Humphery (D) 32.8% / Richard Nixon (D) 20.8%
1972:  Richard Nixon (R) 64.7% / George McGovern (D) 33.9%
2004:  George W. Bush (R) 50.1% / John Kerry (D) 47.7%
2016:  Donald Trump (R) 53.8% / Hillary Clinton (D) 44.4%

Filing season for many local, state and national office begins in a few weeks.  No presidential election ’til 2020.

Update from the BladenOnline research department, weekly report!

Jan 7-13
Page views: 121,503
Visits: 22,119

Dec 31-6
Page views: 113,424
Visits: 18,713

Year Ago
Page views: 108,017
Visits: 21,507

Most Read Stories
3,442: Inclement weather make-up days announced for Bladen schools
3,288: Woman found injured on Twisted Hickory Road
3,202: Sheriff’s Office seeking help locating felon
1,554: White Lake freezes over
1,442: Bladen Commissioner Trivette’s case continued

BladenOnline is available Online, Facebook and Twitter.  We are proud of our accomplishments and looking forward to serving Bladen County for another 10 years, and more. THE BEST IS YET TO COME.

I weep for the liberty of my country when I see at this early day of its successful experiment that corruption has been imputed to many members of the House of Representatives, and the rights of people have been bartered for promises of office.  Andrew Jackson

An ounce of performance is worth pounds of promises.  Mae West

Promises are like crying babies in a theater, they should be carried out at once.  Norman Vincent Peale

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