Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While ShavingBob Lewis, former East Bladen football coach, most recently Clinton coach is stepping down after a very successful career.  The 75-year-old coach is ending a 41-year career that has produced several state championships, including his first at East Bladen in 1973.  Lewis, the late Jack Holly,  and Lenon Fisher, some of the areas most successful coaches have departed the scene.

Remember John D. Loudermilk?  In the 1950s he was a student at Campbell College.  The Durham native was a successful song writer/singer, more as a writer than singer, writing such hits as Abilene, A Rose and a Baby Ruth, Talk Back Trembling Lips, Waterloo, Ebony Eyes and Sittin’ in the Balcony, one he wrote while still at Campbell.  Saw an old RFD country music clip recently that included him.  Done a little research.  He died in September 2016 in Tennessee.  Suffered from prostate cancer, respiratory issues and a heart attack.  His songs were hits in the 50s, 60s, 70s and 80s.

Can we forget politics for a short time and enjoy the warmer weather? Could be interrupted by rain this a.m., maybe a thunderstorm.  Highs in the lower 70s today.

Time to list property for the local tax office.

Insurance, taxes, tags, federal taxes due before April 15, never a dull moment, even as a retiree.
No complaints, just the facts.

No. 1 priority of any politician….get re-elected, unless it’s time to step aside and few realize when that time comes.

Recent church signs spotted

Do Not Criticize Your Wife’s Judgment–See Whom She Married!

God’s Love Is Deeper Than This Snow.

Adam and Eve – The First Couple To Not Read The Apple Terms and Conditions.

Don’t Let Worries Kill You – Let The Church Help.

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