Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While ShavingWhew, Saturday has finally arrived.

Sunny with highs in the mid 60s today.

Did you see the headline: Amazon Prime has 100 million members.

Wells Fargo bank slapped with a 1 $billion fine.

National debt over $21 trillion!  Actually, with all the future obligations the debt is nearly $70 trillion.

Millions, billions, trillions, what the heck, it’s just money.  Attitude seems to be, who cares?  The political party in power ignores, the minority power complains, then they switch roles.  Been that way for as long as I can remember.

Enthusiastic crowd was ready for a party at the first of Bladen We Care’s annual fundraisers last night at The Venue, White Lake.  The Byron Gooden Memorial golf tournament will be held Thursday, April 26 at The Vineyard Golf Course.  Proceeds do so much for so many Bladen County folks.

One final reminder of the fundraiser today for Alvin Butler.  Mr. Butler lost his home, his wife and all his belongings in a fire recently.  Family and friends in the area are sponsoring a BBQ plate lunch, beginning at 11 AM today, hopefully enough money will be raised to purchase building material for another home to be located on the same site.  Builders in the area have promised to provide the labor if funding for supplies are raised.  The fundraiser will be held at Center Roads Baptist Church, near West Bladen High School.  Donations only for the lunch.

Bladen County folks have a king-size heart when it comes to taking care of their own.  My guess is, we will see another outpouring of support today.  All are welcome.

Stock market is like a yo yo, up and down.  Up is better, especially for senior citizens.

Remember, early voting is underway.

Enjoy the weekend.

The purpose of human life is to serve, and to show compassion and the will to help others.  Albert Schweitzer

Help others achieve their dreams and you will achieve yours.  Les Brown

My favorite six words in recovery are: Trust God, clean house, and help others.  Mathew Perry

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