Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While ShavingPreparations for Florence should be nearly complete, according to all reports folks in this area will be greatly affected by storm.

Water, bread, milk, food in general in short supply.  Our No. 2 son drives a truck for a food chain, reported last evening, water was being sold before it ever reached the usual location in the store.  A mad dash…

Elizabethtown-White Lake Chamber monthly meeting scheduled for today…cancelled…

TV folks doing a good job of show and tell…about the arrival of the storm, or you can Google the National Weather Service for constant updates.  BladenOnline is also doing good job of providing much needed local info.

Lack of utilities is one of my biggest concerns, know they will most likely to be disrupted, know the providers will be working as quickly as possible to restore, just takes time and I am blessed will little patience.

Lost in all the confusion, today is 9-11 day, who could ever forget 2001.  All the tragedy, lost lives and destruction, all due to the actions of terrorists who had no respect for life or our country….

BladenOnline stats were up 14 percent over year ago Labor Day stats, but nothing near what they were last week….

Sept 2-8

Page views: 121,707

Visits: 24,630

August 26-Sept 1

Page views: 172,925

Visits: 36,192

Year Ago

Page views: 106,445

Visits: 18,675


6,105: Law enforcement officials announce arrests over Labor Day weekend

3,757: Smithfield Foods moving distribution center to Bladen County

3,342: Hog grower response to Rep. Richardson

1,407: Owner of Anderson’s Drug Store releases letter to editor

Thanks for your unwavering support for BladenOnline.

Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine.  Anthony J. D’Angelo

If you want to see the sunshine, you have to weather the storm.  Frank Lane

Who cares about the clouds when we’re together?  Just sing a song and bring the sunny weather.  Dale Evans

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