Thoughts While Shaving
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The weather should be much better today… get the week off to a good start.

Spent more of Sunday on the road than had planned…from Bladen County to Washington, DC… Met a lot of folks, all in a hurry, especially between Richmond, Va and DC… A snail’s pace in many locations… in fact at every major intersection…
Would not have thought so many on the interstate… north and south bound…
Will be in meetings all day long today with industry and political leaders , then tomorrow head to Capitol Hill for meetings with Congressman and Senators… talking telephone business…
In Bladen County, I listen as our local elected talk budget, thousands, millions… In Raleigh it is millions and billions… In DC, billions and trillions…
Was surprised to see and hear that leaders of the US House and US Senate were giving up on shutting down Obamacare… That is what helped many get elected and now give up… with Republican majorities in both houses?…
Remember an old saying… Government makes strange bed-fellows…
The single most exciting thing you encounter in government is competence, because it is so rare.  Daniel Moynihan
The more zeros found in the price tag for a government program, the less Congressional scrutiny it will receive.  Raskin’s Zero Law
A dollar saved is a quarter earned.  Oscar Levant
robert g hester

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