Thoughts While Shaving
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I rise early, check the headlines, mostly national news and wonder what will be next…

Will be happy when we get to the other side of the conoravirus issue. … Watch the President’s daily news conference, New York governor’s news conference and the Louisiana governor’s conference … I am confused and depressed … Then look at North Carolina report and southeastern NC news. … Little, if any good news…

Ride up town, few folks there and those mostly at food stores … looking for toilet paper and paper towels…

I feel for the small independent businesses. … Been there and done that…

Read about foreclosures … know folks who are hurting, concerned about their job. … Not good…

This is not what I had in mind when I rose early this AM … No doubt foreclosures are on the horizon for some … Checks from the feds should be arriving soon … but seems much confusion, and rightly so … a huge amount of money, legislation ‘put together’ and passed in a short time … few details … the more we hear, the less it sounds like what was expected…

I plan to check messages from various churches today … look around for those ‘less fortunate’, offer support and give thanks for what I have … look for some good news…

Guess what I really need is an attitude adjustment … I am well, all the food I need … and a good family support situation. … Too much time to think … Sorry…

“Nothing in fine print is ever good news.” Andy Rooney

“Bad news travels at the speed of light: good news travels like molasses.” Tracy Morgan

“The good news about being full of crap is that once you’re willing to admit that you’re full of crap … you can de-crap yourself.” Jen Sincero

robert g hester

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