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Another Dixie Youth team, coaches, moms and dads and other supporters, are either on the way or already in Louisiana for the AAA (Minors) World Series. Play begins this weekend.

High school fall sports practice underway, or will be shortly … football, tennis, soccer … maybe more.

Did you watch the Democratic presidential candidates debate the past couple of nights? I am bidding my time … will tune in when we learn who the survivors are. You or I have as good chance of being on the final ticket as most of them.

Remember when there were four theaters in Bladenboro? I remembered the Wonet, the Elm, and the Twilight Drive-In. Recently, a friend reminded me the fourth was the Lyric, was located across the street from the Wonet for a short time. There was at least one in Elizabethtown (Rowe) and one in Clarkton … not a single one today. All you could ever hope for is on TV or your cell phone. … My theater expert reminded me admission was a quarter, drinks were a nickel, and for another nickel could enjoy popcorn. Only one was air conditioned, according to my source, the Wonet. I never was much of a movie goer … well, drive-in maybe.

A little like new auto dealers … at least 7 or 8 in the county at one time … none today.

Mobile homes are very important, provide dependable housing for many, good housing, but no bigger eyesore than an old park or a single mobile home, no longer used, with dog fennels growing all around. Not much demand for them, an eyesore, ’bout like old stick built houses dotting the landscape in total disrepair.

Just remember, if you are looking for good in the area, you can find it. If you are looking for not-so-good, whatever … you can find it.

I enjoy the role of a retired senior citizen. If I decide to do something, I do it. If I decide to sit and do nothing, I sit and do nothing. I like options … and have lots of time to share thoughts and ideas … and I understand no one really cares what I think or say … smile.

There’s never enough time to do all the nothing you want.

You may be on the back nine of life, but it’s good to finish strong.

One wife about retirement: Twice the husband for half the income.

When a man retires and time is no longer of importance, his colleagues present him with a watch.

robert g hester

Author: bladenonline

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