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Ever get something on your mind … worry for a while, then when everything is exposed, all is well? … Feels good.

Ever considered seeking public office? I did, years ago. Served as county commissioner from ’74 to ’82. Decided to ‘not seek’ reelection. Great experience … no desire for another day. I never dreamed there were so many people with so many concerns … different ideas, and many do not mind sharing. Maybe you should offer yourself one day. Next regular filing season for local, state and national elections is early 2020. Oh, yes, I know we do have elections year round now, special elections.

Home owners know, there is always something that needs attention. I tend to procrastinate, put off and put off, then decide some things must be taken care of and just do it. I just have to write it down, make a list and mark them off, as completed, one at a time.

How long before a frost? I think about that when it’s time to mow the grass and weeds … again.

Guess everyone has become efficient using Windows 10, all but me, and my old computer with Windows 7 is dying, slowly. … So, what’s next? Teaching this ‘ol’ dog’ new tricks is no easy task.

Sorry, just thinking out loud.

Weekends were made for nothing…

“The secret of making progress is to get started.” Mark Twain

“Remember, today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday.” Dale Carnegie

robert g hester

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