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The Internet is a wonderful tool when it works as we expect it to … when it is not working as it should, it can be a pain in the back side.

Ever have a dream and have no idea where the idea came from? … Well, I dreamed I was in New York City, alone … did not know a soul. … Housing must have been in a downtown hotel. There was a function of some kind going on and I joined several hundred onlookers, watching for a short period of time. As I was preparing to return to my room, someone approached me and wished me a Happy Birthday and the whole hotel joined together to sing Happy Birthday. … For the record, I was not in New York, have been there a few times, enjoyed but no plans to return, and it was not by birthday. … Pray, tell me how such brainstorms emerge, in the middle of the night.

With that thought in mind, as I was showering at home, I remembered that when we were going away, a day, a few days or a week or longer, mom would remind me (maybe us) to make sure I had clean underwear. Never know when you may have an accident and be hospitalized? Like a wreck, I suppose.

Regardless of our age, moms always have a suggestion … but after they are gone, miss that type reminder from someone who wanted the best for me (us), whether I really listened or not.

Parents with youngsters heading off to college, some first timers, for others, no big deal, been there and done that … enjoy the moment … never know where they will eventually settle down, maybe near home, maybe hundreds, maybe thousands of miles away. … It can be a life-changing experience.

Mothers … one person who does the work of twenty … for FREE.

I don’t want to sleep like a baby; I want to sleep like my husband.

Who needs a super hero when you have a MOM?

robert g hester

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