Thoughts While Shaving
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Days are getting shorter, highs are lower and overnight lows are in the low 70s. Chance of rain for the next 48 to 72 hours in the 50% range … Sunday’s forecast is for a 20% chance of rain, partly sunny with a nigh near 88 … a perfect White Lake forecast … maybe the beach … anyplace …

Labor Day just a couple of weeks away … To say this summer has been different is a huge understatement…

Bladen’s population appears to continue to be in the 34,000 to 35,000 range … number of jobs rising, with more on the horizon and more housing needed … takes time, moving forward, slowly…

If you drive thru Bladen County, count the empty houses, many still standing … a large number, some probably need to be torn down, others upgraded … repaired…

Star TMC serves much of rural Bladen and Sampson counties and portions of Cumberland, Columbus, Pender and Duplin … some very small footprints … recently received a nearly $25 million grant, matched 25%, for a total of $30 plus million. Fiber will be going in the ground shortly in several of their service areas, scheduled for completion over the next 4 to 5 years … about half of the $30 million in Bladen. Will still need another $25 to $35 million to complete the project … hopefully completed over the next 5 to 10 years, depending on the efforts of the state and federal governments … Will make a huge difference for rural Bladen County. Won’t happen overnight, but gotta start sometime, someplace … and that is underway … early stages…

Weeds still growing … How many more days til frost? … About 2-plus months … usually last few days of October … or early November … just prior to election day…

Dreamed I was involved in a walking effort … Could be my conscience beating up on me for lack of exercise … Next week … maybe … Same promise over the past several months … Been using the excuse of hot weather…

“We’re so busy watching out for what’s just ahead of us that we don’t take time to enjoy where we are.” Bill Watterson

“Rest, renew, and don’t forget the importance of taking the time to HAVE FUN.” Roxanna Jones

“We didn’t realize we were making memories, we just knew we were having fun.”

robert g hester

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