Robert Hester, Founder of BladenOnline.com
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Thoughts While ShavingUS Congress is wrestling with a budget for the coming year, nothing new … happens annually. Recently, I listened to some of our ‘smart leaders’ debating the US debt and the amount of interest paid annually … and how and why the deficit continues to increase. So, I googled US debt, and the info was plentiful … One topic was “Average Percentage Debt Change Per Year in Office.” The total annually … can be misleading … Example, if the nation is engaged in war, no doubt, the debt tends to grow at a faster pace than when there is no war … Bottom line, both parties have contributed, Congress produces a budget, and the President signs off on it … Totals are available by the budget year of each US President … complicated … and much posturing by all … I repeat … both major political parties are to blame … Too be continued…

Final lineup set for the PGA championship that begins play Thursday … A ton of money divided up between 30 participants depending on the final results, come Sunday, if all goes as planned…

“HOT” is the best way to describe our weather … and in some areas of the US … stormy…

More hot weather for our area, at least thru Friday … Mostly sunny … highs in the high 90s with heat values in excess of 100 … Lows in low 70s. A chance of rain beginning Saturday and high temps in the upper 80s Sunday and Monday…

I worked with county governments across the state for about 25 years … Bladen County has produced numerous County Managers … Some from the area who were employed by other counties, several local managers…

Doug Evans … former Bladen County finance office … named 1st manager after the establishment of the county manager form of government in Bladen, approved by the then board of commissioners…

Lex Jones, with Bladen ties … Larry Sesoms (White Oak-Tar Heel area), Greg Martin in Greene and currently in Bladen (family ties to Tar Heel area), others worked in other counties … James Martin (Greg’s dad) was Hoke, Robeson and Cumberland manager, now retired. Rick Hester, current Johnston County manager, employed there for the past 30 plus years … not all as manager … Remember Billy Carter, former Bladen County Tax Collector … was later Brunswick County Manager … He was a Sampson native who lived in Clarkton for several years … I may have missed one or two … if yes, I apologize.

More difficult to list town managers … Former Bladenboro town manager Delane Jackson has been town manager in River Bend for several years after some time in Bladenboro. River Bend, for those that may not know, is located near New Bern in Craven County … Not sure if I missed others … if yes, my apologies … And, there have been and are currently some very good local city managers in the area…

“I believe that as public servants, we have a shared goal … to deliver to Americans the service they deserve and expect.” Todd Park

“Teachers are some of our greatest public servants, they spend their lives educating our young people and shaping our nation for tomorrow.” Solomon Ortiz

“Firefighters & law enforcement officers are some of the most selfless public servants you will ever encounter.” author unknown

robert g hester

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