Thoughts While Shaving
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Sometimes we get so ‘wrapped up’ in our own little world, we forget where we have been, the folks we met along the way … forget the good times and the difficult times … We are reminded of how we need to look on the bright side … Agree … but all has not been ‘peaches ‘n cream’.

Remember clearing a new spot for a tobacco bed, where seeds were planted and covered and we watched little tobacco plants ‘spring up, they grew, were pulled and transplanted in the fields … had to plow the fields, later topped and suckered, cropped, barned, cured, graded, tied and placed on sticks and delivered to the warehouse, sold the golden weed, paid the bills … and in a few weeks, begin the process all over again…

The money made from the process was used to pay for groceries purchased on credit, purchased back-to-school clothes for family … keep up an old ‘jalopy’ of a car … feed a horse and mule and cut green wood to keep us warm in the winter … Used a hand fan from the funeral home to keep cool…

Went to church on Sunday to give thanks … Mom reminded us that we needed to tithe … seemed a little unfair … Helped our families and worked a few days a week for others … making 30, maybe 40 cents an hour … Clear less than a hundred dollars, all summer long … after purchasing a couple of shirts and a couple of pairs of blue jeans, maybe a new pair of shoes, not much left … And we think it’s tough today … Sometimes we forget…

I am among men mostly richly blessed…

Sorry, re-living those good years, of long, long ago…

Need a new razor blade…

Enjoy the little things in life, for one day you will look back and realize they were the big things … the good times.

Behind you, all your memories. Before you, all your dreams. Around you, all who love you. Within you, all you need.

Sometimes it only takes one good song to bring back thousands of good, old memories.

robert g hester

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