Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While ShavingThe selection of a new president is a challenge for most, but the die-hard supporters on the far left and far right are almost as interesting.  All or nothing…..and defend their choice to the bitter end, regardless.

Been following the progress of William McGirt, the PGA golfer who spent his early years in Fairmont.  Spent some time, as a Golden Tornado, playing against Bladen County teams.  He has earned over $3 million this year.  His total earnings for the previous 11 years was just over $6 million (not bad, but).  A great story about a young man in his late 30s, who never gave up…a late bloomer?

How about the salaries for NBA players?  Bench warmers are making millions of dollars, after a sweet deal for TV rights that mandates a percentage of the proceeds must be spent on salaries for the players.

Bladen County is a good place to live, work and play. 

The BladenOnline staff does a great job of providing up-to-date news, sports and more.   

Cooler weather is good for young folks practicing football, soccer and other sporting events.

Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard.  author unknown

Winning takes talent; to repeat takes character.  John Wooden

If you train hard, you’ll not only be hard, you’ll be hard to beat.  Herschel Walker

I can accept failure, everyone fails at something.  But I cannot accept not trying.  Michael Jordan

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