Thoughts While Shaving
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NFL action last night … LA Rams 24 – NE Patriots 3.

Not sure where to begin … but have some thoughts I plan to share … Like diving off the pier, hopeful that the water is deep enough to keep me from doing harm to myself…

I recently celebrated my 82nd birthday … I am a member of the BHS Bulldog class of ’56. ‘B’ for Bladenboro…

I have learned a few things, mostly due to suffering bruises along the way … fortunately, none fatal as of this time.

If I have learned anything it is to surround myself with smart folks, learn from others, I decided after several ‘dumb moves and comments’ that I did not know it all, despite what I thought. (too many I’s already, and there will be more)…

I learned I could only ‘fake it’ so far. I learned ‘my dumb’ miscues can be overcome, with a good attitude … admit you do not know it all … Not an easy lesson … but necessary…

Maybe I need to stop for a while … but I do plan to add more later … The road I travel is best traveled after I observe how others deal with various issues … and realize others knew before I did … that I did not know it all…

Should be a good day, weatherwise, for December 11, 2020. After patchy fog early, mostly sunny, with a high near 68. Patchy fog early tonight, otherwise partly cloudy, with a low around 49.

Looking ahead, a 70% chance of rain Sunday night and Monday. New precipitation amounts between a tenth and quarter of an inch.

“Time makes more common sense than reason.” Thomas Paine

“It is a thousand times better to have common sense without education than to have education without common sense.” Robert Green Ingersoll

“There is nothing more uncommon than common sense.” Frank Lloyd Wright

robert g hester

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