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11th day of January … how are you doing with New Year’s resolutions? … I am 100% … didn’t make any. … Just thankful to be alive and healthy…

Remember when folks in a neighborhood would have a cemetery “cleaning up” day, or a hog killin’? To busy today … actually it was a social event as much as anything … guess social media helped played some role in eliminating…

Anyone old enough to remember the Top Ten Tunes of the Day, broadcast daily on WCKY, Cincinnati, Ohio. I enjoyed the music, complete with the poppin’, snapping and cracklin’, a part of AM radio, especially at night…

According to recent news articles, going to take some time to repair the bridge across the Cape Fear River at Elizabethtown…

For years, a complaint was ‘no jobs in the area, youngsters must move to find a job’. … Now, not enough workers or folks willing to work…

Will be election time shortly … have you made up your mind who you will vote for? Saw where one Democratic candidate for president had withdrawn … never heard of her … 4 years ago, few gave Donald J. Trump a chance to win … but he did…

Checked the US debt meter … US owes $23,173,963,700,000 as of 5:45 AM today. Your share and my share of the debt was over $228,000 each.

“I figured out why Uncle Sam wears such a tall hat. It comes in handy when he passes it around” Soupy Sales

“Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.” Attributed to Winston Churchill, but it appears no where in the Churchill canon.

“There is a difference between a tax collector and a taxidermist – the taxidermist leaves the hide.” Mortimer Caplan, former IRS director

robert g hester

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