Thoughts While Shaving
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I am amazed at the great divide in the US … Watched and listened to folks on both sides of the ‘fence’ this weekend … Pray for all … Hopefully, President-elect Biden and his administration will be in the healing business…

Interesting NFL action Saturday and Sunday … reported Saturday results yesterday … Sunday … Cleveland Browns lead the Steelers 28-0 at the end of the first quarter and held on to win 48-37…
Ravens 20 – Titans 13
Saints downed the Bears 21-9…

Looking ahead, a week from today, Monday, January 18 is Martin Luther King holiday … FYI, all solid waste convenience sites will operate on a normal schedule, however, the Transfer Station will be closed for the holiday, will return to normal operations on Tuesday…

Easy to condemn, but not sure when the roadways have been as ‘littered’ as they are now … Our neighborhood must be about one ‘chicken box meal’ away … from town … A few who ‘do not care’ make it difficult for those who do…

Great debate in some circles about who should be vaccinated first, senior citizens or those in our penal system … probably both … the virus is no doubt killing those in ‘close quarters’ in the lock-ups and employees are ‘having to deal’ with the issue … Senior citizens are among those who should have ‘favored status.’ A decision for those above my pay grade…

I hope to receive a shot today … some ask how … I called to add our names (my bride and I) to the list … A few days later, received calls from 2 agencies … Usually, ‘you receive not because you ask not’ … I am appreciative for the opportunity and for those on the front-line administering the program … and … old folks are at or near the front of the line … Born in ’38 … go figure … Bulldog graduate in Class of ’56…

“So many people have touched my heart and made an impact on my world. I’m thankful for every lesson and learning experience.” Bindi Irwin

“When I started counting my blessings, my whole life turned around.” Willie Nelson

“I’m thankful for my struggle because without it I wouldn’t have stumbled across my strength.” Alex Elle

“All that I am or ever hope to be, I owe to my angel Mother.” Abraham Lincoln

robert g hester

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