Thoughts While Shaving
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I thought it was much later than it is … so I’m up about 3 hours earlier than usual … Raining outside, and according to the rain gauge at the airport, just short of half inch at 2 a.m.

Much going on … big news from Elizabethtown City Hall … Longtime City Manager Eddie Madden has accepted a position as County Manager in Columbus County … had heard some ‘scuttle butt’ that that was a possibility … He has done a great job and will be missed. Like all public leaders, he has taken some ‘flak’, but he had a plan, followed the plan and made Elizabethtown one of the most beautiful, small towns anywhere around … 13 years is a long time to be in one location … have a few folks who disagree with ‘this ‘n that’, but best local city manager in my lifetime…

If the weather folks are correct, this most likely, will not be one of the best days weatherwise … but, it’s January, late January … Forecast was for rain or snow before 7 a.m. Cloudy through mid morning, then gradual clearing, with a high near 44 … Windy, 15 to 18 mph, with gusts as high as 28 mph and a 30% chance of precipitation … Little or no snow accumulation expected. Clear skies tonight, and cold, low around 25 and windy with gusts in the 15 mph range.

Friday, sunny, with a high near 43 and windy, with gusts as high as 16 mph … Find a warm spot and settle down next few days … or as oldtimers would say, throw another log on the fire and settle down…

Had a caller yesterday, ‘bent out of shape’ about availability of virus medication. According to info he provided, medication was being pulled from local, mostly rural counties, to support a huge inoculation effort at the Charlotte Motor Speedway … He provided some info from Virginia newspaper … Does not sound quite right … meaning should not ‘pull’ medication from rural NC for the betterment of a huge effort that was open to all, including residents of other states … I try not to get ‘bent out or shape’ about things I cannot control … Usually sleep better at night if I do not get ‘all out of whack’ … and that is a decision for officials a few notches above my ‘pay grade’.

‘Back to the couch for a few hours … ‘snooze time’…

“A man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who can’t read them.” Mark Twain

“Never argue with a fool, onlookers may not be able to tell the difference.” Mark Twain

“If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous he will not bite you. This is the principle difference between a dog and man.” Mark Twain

robert g hester

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