Thoughts While Shaving
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I have stated in the past … I am a dreamer. Some of my friends would say, so what’s new … Last night, in my dreams, spent considerable time searching for a tie to match a sport coat that someone had selected to present to someone for something … I was asked to select a tie to match … Anyone that knows anything about me would tell you, when I retired in 2007, I made a promise, that I would never wear a tie again … (well sort of) but must be a very important function and don’t think I have purchased a tie since. But, in my dream, I am searching for a tie for someone to present to someone that will match a coat that I did not select … in fact, I thought the jacket was ugly … Finally woke up, got up, still had the aggravating tie on my mind … Don’t think I ever found one … thankfully, It was just a dream…

‘Bout to give up forever on politics … Decided I disagree with just about everyone … D’s, R’s, Unaffiliated … Don’t want to talk politics, don’t plan to talk politics or be around anyone who is talking politics … cause most know no more than I do … that topic is off my table. Pay Uncle Sam what he says is due and move on.

Yesterday was a cold day, brutally cold in our area where there was nothing to shield one from the wind … Dang … will be glad when January is over … I said that about the heat in July and August … Just like many, can’t be satisfied about anything…

It was cold at 6 a.m. today, 27 degrees at the nearby airport … with a north wind about 7 mph … Forecast for today … Sunny, with a high near 44 and wind in the 6 to 8 mph range. Tonight, clear, with a low around 25 and little to no wind. Saturday, sunny with a high near 47, and very little wind.

Forecast for Sunday, showers, with a high near 57, windy with gusts in the 18 mph range and 100% chance or rain … dropping to a 60% chance Sunday night with a low around 41.

After I take off the trash, shop for groceries, I have plans … do nothing … My occupation is retired…

“It’s hard to make a comeback when you haven’t been anywhere.”

“My wild oats have turned into prunes and all-bran.”

“The only time the world beats a path to my door is when I’m in the bathroom.”

robert g hester

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