Thoughts While Shaving
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I have been a little surprised at the number of folks who tell me they are no longer going grocery shopping … They are calling in the grocery list, and picking up at the curb … Less contact…

The number of folks being sidelined due to virus … continues to rise…

Sympathies extended to family of Jimmy Smith, long-time former Bladen County Commissioner. He has been in declining health for some time … he will be missed.

I enjoy sports, and as I grow older, watch on TV more than ever before … NASCAR folks preparing for a new season … always begins in Daytona Beach … This year’s date is February 20. The track opened in 1959, if my math is correct, 63 years ago. The price of tickets begin in the $95 dollar range up to $695 for a 2 day package…

Thankful that the 1st anniversary of the assault on our federal government passed with nothing more than barbershop talk … Help us all to be more thoughtful of others, respect others … Everyone is entitled to their thoughts and opinions … including our friends and neighbors … but destroying anything is uncalled for. I never met anyone that I agreed with everything they said or thought … We are different…

Still go out on Thursday night with family … attempting to use common sense … See folks I know I know, but no idea who, why or where … embarrassing…

Typical January forecast … Sunny today, with a high near 48 and windy. Clear skies tonight, with a low around 25 and more wind, gusts as high as 15 mph. Saturday, sunny with a high near 47. Sunday, mostly sunny with a high near 68, perfect for church-going.

Remember any of these ‘sayings’, may still hear them…

“Over Yonder”

“She was madder than a wet hen”

“Til the cows come home”

“If I had my druthers” More later…

robert g hester

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