Thoughts While Shaving
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Today is the last day of July, 2020. Weather forecast … Hot weather continues with a 40% chance of precipitation…

“The pandemic wiped out campaign season. But it has also accelerated the transformation of Election Day into election season,” quoting Politico Nightly … continuing, “Officials in almost every state in the country are working on pandemic-proofing the election … More people than ever are going to be voting weeks before Election Day and voting in stadiums rather than senior centers.”

According to the publication, “Voting by mail isn’t new: President Trump recently floated the idea of delaying the November election, arguing that mail voting leads to widespread voter fraud.”

For the record, 38 states – both red and blue – and the District of Columbia currently allow any resident to vote by mail or absentee without an excuse … and according to the article, President Trump has been voting by mail for some time.

“North Carolina is now requiring one witness, not two, to verify the ballot. Voters in the state can start casting their absentee ballots 60 days before Nov. 3.”

More to come for sure…

Condolences extended to the Russell Priest family. The longtime county commissioner died recently. He also served 11 years as a member of Elizabethtown City Council. He had been suffering health issues for some time, but the announcement of his death was a surprise to many, and came in the form of a notice from Commission Chairman Ray Britt.

Star Telephone will continue to make ‘hot spots’ available in the county … ‘Hot Spots’ are a must for students who do not have access to the Internet … All public schooled youngsters will be working from home, at least thru the first few weeks of the upcoming school year … And, no doubt, many adults are as well. ‘Hot Spots are available at numerous locations in the county, many at or near school sites.

“Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echos are truly endless.” Mother Teresa

“Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.” Thomas Edison

“Smile, it increases your face value.”

robert g hester

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