This could be an interesting day. High temps, scattered showers and thunderstorms in our area. Around the world a financial storm related to a vote by the British to leave the European Union.
‘Unsettled’ is a good way to describe the day.
How about the NBA Draft. Ben Simmons of LSU was the No. 1 pick of the 76ers, followed by Duke’s Brandon Ingram of Kinston. He goes to the LA Lakers. UNC’s Brice Johnson also goes to LA, but to the Clippers as the 25th overall pick. To be continued.
We have some of the best neighbors, among them are Don and Mary Lee Augustine. They always have a nice garden and share with neighbors and this neighbor appreciates.
Thinking back over the years….Bladen County Sheriff’s have come from just about every corner of the county in my adult life, beginning with Manley Clark Sr. of Elizabethtown, John B. Allen of Tar Heel, Earl Storms of Bladenboro, Steve Bunn of White Lake, Prentice Benston of East Arcadia and now James (Jim) McVicker of the Tar Heel area. Now who did I miss???
So sad to see folks suffering from dementia. But for the grace of the good Lord, could be anyone of us.
More businesses from yesteryear, now defunct:
Kinney Shoes
Eastern Airlines
Rexall Pharmacy
Wheat First Securities
Mutual Radio
Look Magazine
Today, the new names include:
Amazon, to name a few.
On my arrival in the United States I was struck by the degree of ability among the governed and the lack of it among the governing. Alex de Toqueville
When they call the roll in the Senate, the Senators do not know whether to answer ‘Present’ or ‘Not guilty.’ Theodore Roosevelt
‘There’s no trick to being a humorist when you have the whole government working for you’. Will Rogers