Robert Hester, Founder of BladenOnline.com
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Thoughts While ShavingWoke this a.m. thinking about clothes, closets full … If those who have more clothing than needed would donate … we could solve two problems … Get it? … and many would never miss them … and have a little extra space as well…

Guess I had the weather on my mind … 35 degrees at 4:15 a.m., likely to drop another couple of degrees.

Partly sunny today, then gradually becoming sunny, with a high near 54 and windy. Mostly clear tonight, with a low around 31. Tuesday, sunny, with a high near 66 and more March wind. Later in the week, temps in the 70s … High Thursday and Friday expected to be in the 80s. Must be about mid March…

I enjoy reading sports … and Sonny Jones and John Clark do a great job covering … I enjoyed the recent articles related to Elizabethtown native Freddy Wooten who attends Southeastern Community College in Columbus County. Wooten is a very good pitcher who can ‘knock the cover off the ball’ as a batter … He recently pitched a no-hitter in a doubleheader, struck out 11 and had a grand slam homer … Wish him well the balance of the spring season and into the future…

Recent unemployment rate in Bladen County was less than 5% … If you want a job, there are jobs … Just need to look for them … and be willing to do a day’s work for the wages paid.

Time for Dixie Youth spring sports … Hope there are enough adults with lots of energy willing to share with excited youngsters … Some of my most memorable spring-times relate to Dixie Youth … we called it ‘Little League’ … in the ’70s and ’80s. Call it what you want, it can be fun, it was for me … I still have many scorebooks … brings back ‘great’ memories … mmmm, Some of my players are nearly eligible for social security, some may be…

Bladen County Commissioners meet at 6:30 p.m. today in the courthouse…

“People generally see what they look for, and hear what they listen for.” from “To Kill A Mockingbird”

“Me and you, we got more yesterday than anybody. We need some kind of tomorrow.” Toni Morrison

“When you feel homesick.” he said, “just look up. Because the moon is the same wherever you go.” Donna Tartt

robert g hester

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