Thoughts While Shaving
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“Baby, It’s Cold Outside”, low early this AM in the 30s, tonight expect lows in the upper 20s … then it begins to warm up … Frost is on whatever is outside. Will be windy today, with gusts up to 15 mph. High today near 50.

Rode down to the river (Cape Fear) earlier this week … wow, the river is high, overflowing…

Ever feel our world is upside down? … I hope I live long enough to see it return to a more normal situation … Like, ‘Love They Neighbor As Your Self’ … ‘Do Unto Others As You Would Have Them Do To You’ … Preaching brother and sisters … Can I get an amen? Not really, I am not a preacher, that is for sure and certain…

Hopefully, medication will be available sometime after the first of the year … and some are indicating it will be offered free … Sounds too good to be true … All I know is what I read and what I hear…

So, with Thanksgiving just about a week away … what are your plans? Concerns about large gatherings???

I’m sharing, sharing the leaves from our big oak tree … my guess is, neighbors think we have shared more than is needed.

Stock Market is soaring, for the most part … big divide between the ‘haves’ and the ‘have nots’ … Some amazed how the market continues to rise, others concerned about where the rent and money for food is coming from and when … Not sure the divide has ever been more evident.

Random thoughts this day for sure … be safe and warm…

“What good is the warmth of summer, without the cold of winter to give it sweetness.” John Steinbeck

“The sun did not shine. It was too wet to play. So we sat in the house … All that cold, cold, wet day.” Dr. Seuss

“Shut the door not that it lets in the cold but that it lets out the coziness.” Mark Twain

robert g hester

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