Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While ShavingI have watched as Charlotte and Daine Smith, Erin Smith and others members of the staff, including many part-timers, have taken BladenOnline to places I dreamed of, but in all fairness, never expected to reach.

In August, BladenOnline surpassed 600,000 monthly pages viewed.  That was huge.  In October the online newspaper had 675,307 pages viewed to set a new record.

In October, visits totaled a record 142,381 and for the year, BladenOnline now has over 1 million visits to the site, so far this year.

There were 54,264 users in October, just short of the August 2016 record of 54,888.

Let me explain, visits is number of times someone came to the site over a selected time period.

Users is number of times someone came to the site as least once during the selected time period.

Example: if you checked BladenOnline once a day every day for October you would account for 31 visits, but only one user.

This is info verbatim from our ‘numbers person,’ who has extensive experience in the business.

January thru October:

Pages Viewed  2016   5,290,734

Pages Viewed  2015   3,152,733   Up 68%

Visits (same time period)

2016    1,071,795

2015       643,731  Up  66%

Users (same time period)

2016     413,029

2015     240,376   Up 72%.

BladenOnline recently became a member of the NC Press Association, unheard of as a stand alone, online newspaper a few years ago, and in the past few days was mentioned as a news source by MSNBC, when they were using one of the BOL articles.

I am so proud of the owners, the staff, everyone associated with the news source.

Dream big, even if you stumble over a mole hill.  And, find a need and fill it.  Those expressions were used many times in the early days.

So where do you suppose you get the biggest bang for your advertising dollar?

Success is a journey not a destination.

Have fun in what you are doing, you will never fail.

You have to learn the rules of the game, and then you have to play better than others.

Destiny is not a matter of chance, it’s a matter of choice.

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