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Happy to see the past week end. … I realize there is much that goes on that we know little or nothing about, but for the most part, we go about out business, business like.

The past week was different, not better … but different.

Saw where a home was broken into earlier in the week … while mom and dad were working and the youngsters at school … guns and other items stolen … later, a shooting at Smithfield, 2 injured and one arrested … then, yesterday, ’bout noontime a hostage situation in Elizabethtown that ended with gunfire by the accused and law enforcement officers. … Un-Bladen like. … I realize we are not the quiet, unassuming place we once were, … but ‘crap’ … this can’t go on.

Treat others the way you want to be treated … another way to put it … one we learned at home, church and school yesteryear. … ‘Do unto others as you would have them do to you’. … Hasn’t changed in my life time … and one I remember from long ago. … ‘If you go looking for trouble you can find it’.

Thanks to our law enforcement folks … for dealing with so much we never know about as well as the high profile, lawless acts in recent days.

Area high school football scores from last night … 2nd round statewide play-off action.
Clinton 38 – Wilson Beddington 22
Southwest Edgecombe 42 – Whiteville 28
West Craven 35 – Red Springs 28

From the ‘did you know’ department … orth Carolina is the #1 producers of sweet potatoes in the nation. … Read that someplace.

College football and basketball teams competing for TV time.

When I am overcome by false statements (lies) by our distinguished leaders … I google FactCheck. … I recommend it. … Snopes is another.

“Life is like riding a bicycle … to keep your balance you must keep moving.” Albert Einstein

“You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.” C.S. Lewis

“Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud.” Maya Angelou

robert g hester

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