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What was your most memorable Thanksgiving?

Not sure I could describe any one as the most memorable. Just about all have included family … as a youngster, siblings, with uncles and aunts and cousins at Grandpa Hesters and Grandma Cains house. Over the years, shared with our children and grandchildren, for years at our home, more recently at one of our son’s home … both sons, our daughter-in-law, 2 grandchildren and now their spouse and friends and the other set of grandparents. Can’t imagine anything different, or any place I would rather be.

Think back when our boys were younger … at home. … Church on Wednesday night … not unusual to spend some time Thanksgiving day cleaning up the yard … pine trees, oaks and maples … less today … burning the leaves and straw near the woods behind our house … and enjoying a feast of turkey and dressing, collards, and sweet tea and more … then watching parades and football on TV.

When I was the person in charge at WBLA … it was not unusual for our 2 sons and myself to be the DJs on Thanksgiving and Christmas Day, allowing other staff time with family. … Operated from sun-up to sun-down, and no one had a very long shift.

Memories are what you have as you age … and for the most part … mine are good memories … and we will share again with family on Thursday … make more memories.

My Thoughts!!!!!! … Yours???

NFL action last night … Baltimore Ravens 45 – LA Rams 6.

“Never trust your tongue when your heart is bitter…HUSH until you heal”…

“The smallest act of kindness is worth more than the grandest intention.” Oscar Wilde

“You can give without loving, but you cannot love without giving.” Amy Carmichael

robert g hester

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