Thoughts While Shaving
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Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving … Our small family had a great time … with family, in-laws … age range from over 80 to less than a year old … Great company, great food and football, on TV of course, and lots of conversation … Kinda catching up…

My bride and I traveled about 75 miles to meet the the others … Wonderful time … Did travel a short distance on the interstate … I slipped in behind an 18 wheeler traveling about 8 to 10 mph above the speed limit and held-on … Stopped by #2 son’s home … he was not feeling well … not bad sick but did not want to give what he had … to others…

Returned home about dark-thirty … Sitting back reflecting on the day and the phone rang … My bride answered … saw a different expression on her face … she held one hand over the phone and said she could not understand the person … I took the phone and someone who appeared to attempt to disguise his voice wanted to verify who I was … he repeated my name and phone number and told me he was holding a check for some unreal amount of money and my name was on the check … the check was for either $4 million or $14 million, obviously not true … So I asked him to hold on I had a member of the law enforcement community with us and asked him to repeat … I was giving him permission to share the news … The conversation ended, cold turkey … dead silence … obviously not true…

Thought back to my early days as a youngster … Dad and mom and from 3 to 5 siblings, depending on the year … in the back seat of a ’35 Ford heading to grannies … just my siblings and parents … No phone, just us poor folks living in a poor man’s world. Homemade meal, siblings excited to see cousins and play with them and enjoy grannies cooking that included tea cakes … The simple life … oh yes, no interstate … just dirt roads … My times have changed…

Hope your Thanksgiving was good…

And a few corny Halloween jokes….

“Why did the team of witches lose the softball game? Their bats kept flying away.”

“You know it’s bad luck to be followed by a black cat … if you are a mouse.”

“What happens if you combine a vampire and a snowman? You get frostbite”

“robert g hester

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