Thoughts While Shaving
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September 1st, 2020 … I am a numbers type person. I am amazed at the recovery on Wall Street and the suffering on Main Street … Been a tough few months … But, hopefully the overall situation is improving. There are jobs available, and lots of unemployed. Workers need the skills of the jobs available.

A great place to learn a skill is Bladen Community College…

For the record, local property taxes are due today (Sept. 1), but no penalty until early January … so many complain that taxes are due during the holiday season … wrong, due now, but we put it off ’til threatened with a penalty…

Not sure when the final date for filing federal taxes for 2019 … time has been extended a couple of times, but a ‘time for settlin’ up’ is coming. Uncle Sam does not forget…

Many received rain yesterday … Totals no doubt varied widely … NWS weather station at the airport indicated a quarter of an inch … Think we had more on Happy Valley Road, checked my gauge and had a problem…

Temps still in the upper 80s and low 90s. 90 degrees was the high yesterday at the local weather station … Should be in the same range today with a heat index value near 100 and a 30% chance of more rain. Temps could range as high as 94 Wednesday, with heat values near 106 and a 30% chance of rain.

Enjoy a ride thru Bladen County occasionally … doing it more often now that I am a full-fledged, card carrying retiree. Think my bride and I have covered just about all the roads in the county over the past few months … so, we begin to back-track…

We have visited every Dollar General in the county, some several times … but, they aren’t getting rich … we are lookers, usually for a single item … light bulbs, band aids, etc.

“Nothing in life is to be feared; it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less.” Marie Curie

“Trees that are slow to grow bear the best fruit.” Author unknown

“Civilization is the limitless multiplication of unnecessary necessities.” Mark Twain

robert g hester

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